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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Angry to learn I am anti-feminist...

"I swear there can be no greater force against all womankind than Liz Jones. She is inconsistent, bitter, nasty and unhinged." Phillip Schofield. 

Phil was referring here to an article by a Daily Mail Harridan. Yes, that is the official title of all the female journalists from that crappy excuse for a newspaper. As you can probably guess, I am not a reader, although I seem to be in a minority. Women are forever depressing and horrifying themselves with the website at lunchtime. It stands for both things I hate and the things I am simultaneously drawn to and repelled by as a woman: I hate the scare-mongering hate-filled venom of the attitude, I am drawn to and repelled by the nasty rumours and pics of celebrities. I can't trust myself to get drawn into it, who knows where it may lead? I am one of those women the DM hates: Guardian-reading bleeding heart liberal. And today I discover that they are branding me an anti-feminist, rude, arrogant and a playground bully!

Let me get this straight, I am known to wear make-up on occassion and I know I do look better with it. I like to play with it a little when I go out. I have no problem with people who wear it every day, although I do think that people who wear too much look like they are trying to hide something and often look older than they are. I am not going bare-faced because I think I look fab without make-up, it just isn't that important to me. I don't make time for it every morning. I don't go out and buy lots of the stuff as I already own enough and would rather spend the money elsewhere. I simply do not have the cash to buy "Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser and hydrating primer, Chanel Vitalumiere foundation, YSL touché eclat No2, Chantecaille pow-der [sic], Nars blusher, and on and on." Who does? 

Holly makes a living out of looking beautiful. I might feel jealous sometimes of her beauty, but I don't begrudge her having to go through all that faff. It makes Liz Jones look like a jealous bitch going on about her, but then I would like to punch her smug made-up face. Like all Harridans, she is mightily pleased with herself. I have never been so tempted to troll in all my life. Trawling through her previous articles (like wading through sewage, I feel dirty), I see she makes her living criticising clothes, other women and interviewing WAGS. Saving the world there, Liz. 

I don't want my feminist icon to be some WAG or Barbie Doll who competes with others to see who can spend the most, nor would I like someone who was too serious about everything. My icons are the women who are saving the world one day at a time and not judging people based on the way they dress. As women and feminists we should be entitled to dress however we please without being judged, this is a principle I try to live by. I love purple shoes, dresses and eye make-up, but can't live in them all the time. I still want to dress like a nerd tomorrow. People may think I look odd at times, but I'm sure it doesn't bother them that much. I'd rather feel comfortable. 

I suppose we should feel sorry for Liz. Nothing better for her to write about. Obviously so desperetly insecure about her looks she could do with someone weaning her off her products and making her realise there's a life outside of bitching about other people. Liz, you really don't need to wear so much make-up. Get a life, if you don't like Holly don't look at her. I'm sure there's a more appropriately made-up woman you can find to like (or man...).
Mmm, I could actually almost fancy him in guyliner...pity I think he's the most over-rated actor ever 
(Jude Law from the Telegraph.)

Back to my beloved Guardian, with an article saying the complete opposite. I liked a quote from the comments: "The argument for rejecting beauty regimes is really quite simple, I think, and the word "regime" is telling. If you feel you have to do it, then it's oppressive. Whether it's a facelift or eyebrow threading." (Choco, 24th March 2012). Do it because you choose to, not because society or other women think it's normal.

As Mr. OQ sensibly points out, I should stop reading the DM if it makes me angry. I never would've found out about being an anti-feminist if I hadn't found Phil's quote on DS. Good on Phil for lambasting that woman though

You, you not only enranged me, you also mucked up my font size! Fab article about her sperm-stealing proclivities

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